Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Boston Tea Party, 2009

I was thinking the other day and I thought what would happen if the Boston Tea Party happened today. Honestly. How hilarious. There would be this giant investigation, the president would be blamed for not protecting homeland security, and the EPA would have a fit.

Just picture it; They would fingerprint the tea barrels, the Tea companies would sue the "dumpers" of tea, and the ACLU would try to make it a racial issue. The tea "dumpers" are making a statement of the oppression of the white majority on the other folks. The tea "dumpers" would be sued by the PTA of America saying, "They shouldn't set such an example for our children."

There really is no point to this, I just thought it was funny. If you want one... Ok, I'll give you one. What happened to our revolutionary spirit?! When did we become mundane and overly sued? For instance, people are pissed off because doctors make too much. Excuse me, I want doctors to make amazing money! By them making more, they love their job and want to be better. When I get old and my parts start to go bad and things are falling down or sagging, I want a guy that loves his job and is able to pay off the $600,000 of school debt. Anywhoo... That's it. Short soapbox, I know.

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