Sunday, February 13, 2011


With winter finally subsiding (in Arkansas, at least), the seasons are starting to change. The weather is 60 today and it's sunshiny and wonderful. I love the very beginning of spring every year. The buds on the trees begin to bloom, the sun is brighter, and people just seem happier. To me, this is a giant metaphor. Cliche, I know, but cliches are cliches for a reason: They're apt. But, like I was saying, changing seasons, yada yada yada...

Here's the deal. I think that in a person's life, there are seasons. Seasons are not the same for everyone. The frequency and amount of seasons vary from person to person. (I seem overly descriptive, but I want you to get what I mean. I'm not trying to write like you're an idiot. Promise.) Seasons are dark and cold sometimes, but, as the Tao says, you can't truly recognize the beauty without the ugly. Life is balance, and with every bad thing (or season), there is a good thing (or season). See what I'm saying? Even if you don't, my blog is about me. Not being selfish or nothing... Anyway, I'm getting to my point. I'm in a season. For now. I think this season is ending. There was nothing wrong with the current season of my life, it just needs to change. If you're not changing, you're dead, so I believe I need to change. Not a big change, just a few small adjustments.

When working with a piece of wood, shaving it down to a certain sculpture, you slowly take away the parts that are not part of the final picture. You don't throw away the wood completely, you just shave off the unneeded parts. That simple. I'm just simply shaving the unnecessary parts.

I don't know what the next season holds for Jay Watson. I don't know if it will be a spring or a winter, but I do know that it will be good for me. So, whether it is spring or winter, summer or fall, I'm ready.

I'm pretty scatter-brained at this point, but I do hope this came across understandably. Thanks for reading.

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