Thursday, December 3, 2009

Big Brother's Bugs

So, the other day I was thinking. Bugs are indeed a very annoying part of our Earth. They seem oftentimes to be a unnecessary annoyance. What if they are "unnecessary?" What if they aren't an organic species. Let me explain...

Recently, I saw a toy (a child's toy) that operated on brain power. ??? That's what I said. Brain power. Telekinesis. I thought: If the government can do something like this, imagine what else they could do.

Back to the bugs, what if the government can make bio-intelligent computers. Cameras and sound equipment to infiltrate the common American home. In bugs. Now, for an example, let's look at a more socialistic government to see if it's been attempted before. Let's take a look at London. That's right, London. Have you ever heard of the saying, "In London, you're never more than 10 feet away from a rat." Well, what if rats were the first attempts in bio-cameras? Of course, since we're American and everything we do is better (hehe), we used bugs instead of creating an over-infested rat population.

However, in my theory, there are "real" bugs too. But they live outside.

What is so interesting, is that this theory led to my over-analysis of the Black Plague. What if the Black Plague started off as a biological warfare gone awry. The upper class noticed an increase in the lower class and, fearing an uprising, took matters into their own hands and covered rats in the Plague. Of course, this backfired when it got too big and the upper class died too.

Anyway, back to bugs. Next time you see a bug that seems out of place in your bathroom or kitchen, take some time to wonder: Is this a bio-camera? Food for thought.

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