Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Challenge: Life

Before I start, this is almost a "part II" to my last post. I would recommend reading that one before this one. To fully understand my issuance of a challenge, then you must know where it's coming from...

I kind of want to write this like a letter, so I will. It's my blog. I can do what I want. Ok. Here goes it:

Dear Reader,

I don't know where you are in your life. I don't know the challenges you've faced and the times you've encountered. Here's what I do know: We may not have the same past, but we can have the same, life-giving future.

Life, to me, is not about living, "finishing the race," "reaching the destination," or any other cliche you can think of. Life is a verb. Not a noun. Very similar to love, in that respect, is that you have to give it to get it. But I'll rant on love next time, or whenever...

Ok. Here's my issuance to you. I want you to spread life. I don't know how you'll do that. That's entirely up to you. I can't tell you how to live your life, nor can I tell you what to believe. You have to find it on your own. I can tell you that as a theatre artist, my purpose is to inspire change in the audience that sees the work I have put on stage. Similarly, a painter inspires life through their canvas and oils. For an artist, imitation of life is easy because art, in it's most basic form, life.

Now, life is about balance. So, as well as inspiring others, you must also inspire yourself. I want you to meditate with a smile, fart in an elevator, or go to a store that has been downtown forever and you've never gotten a chance to go there and just make time for yourself. Sit. Stare at the ceiling. Don't get depressed... But stare at the ceiling. It's more comforting than you realize.

Another thing, don't ever say no to love. Don't regret it. It's hard sometimes because you give your love to some that don't return it, but I believe in love karma. Love will make it back to you. Life is balance. It will be returned to you in the form of that perfect person that make your heart leap, and, even more, you'll make their heart leap. Ah, leaping hearts. :) It makes my heart warm.

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching the movie, "Yes Man." You'd be surprised at the power of "yes." It's quite shocking. Just for one day, say yes to everything. I'm not talking bank robberies or nothing, but see what happens. I did it, and it was one of the most fun I've had in a long time.

So, "in conclusion," give life and love and you'll get life and love. Life is balance. It will come back.

United in Life,
Jay Watson

Now that I've written you a letter, I thought I'd tell you that I'm also "Reader." Like any good, unread, unknown blog, I wrote this for myself. I wrote this letter to remind myself of some basic life facts, but, as always, please gather what you can from my thoughts and prophecies.

"Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again."
-Bob Dylan

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jay,

    You have no idea just how much I needed this. Thank you for sharing life and for blessing mine in more ways than you will ever know.

    Becoming New,
    Andrea Butler
